Monday, November 17, 2014

How We Should Risk Big on Ordinary Days

Pastor called out questions that hung thick, “Are you willing to take a big risk? ... To give your whole life to love people who may break your heart?  Relationships are risky business.”  Ah, to say the least, right?  His take on the parable of the talents (Matthew25:14-30) was that the servant whom the master praised for bringing the best return on his investment was obviously the one who had taken the greatest risk. 

Sometimes I look at my children, and I wonder who they will become.  I have flash backs of all these kids I knew who grew up to break their parents hearts—chased hard after all the wrong things.  I look in the wonder-filled eyes of my own, and quietly ask the Lord, “Is this one going to break my heart?
Sure, I’ve had a broken heart but not the kind that your own children can give you. 

The Lord whispers back, “Maybe.  But they’re always worth the risk, aren’t they?  Give them your whole life.  Love them with everything I pour into you—pour it into them.  Let them break your heart a thousand times.  Through them, I’m making you look more like Myself.  Practice.  Practice dying for them by dying to yourself, giving yourself in love a thousand times a day.”

When you want to throw in the towel on hard days or on difficult people, remember loving is always worth the risk.  Jesus said so – showed us so.